She's gorgeous. I'd love to fuck her. Or, if that's off the table, let her fuck my ass all day. Absent those options, letting her order me around via video is a pretty good substitute.
Absolutely amazing how quickly things can change: I used to be a small dicked premature ejaculator who was always playing with his little dicklet. And since I accepted that I’m a pathetic beta sissy, I feel so much better. Of course that my cock is mostly caged helps a lot.
Not long ago I asked my Master to teach me to orgasm through anal stimulation. I never believed in the beginning that I could do it.
And today, a few months later, I'm watching a 20 minute video where I have to fuck my boypussy and I have to pause over 15 times so I don't orgasm without permission!
It was amazing. I have never leaking so much in my life. Next time I definitely have to put a condom over the cage so I don't waste a drop of my juice.
Not long ago I asked my Master to teach me to orgasm through anal stimulation. I never believed in the beginning that I could do it.
And today, a few months later, I'm watching a 20 minute video where I have to fuck my boypussy and I have to pause over 15 times so I don't orgasm without permission!
It was amazing. I have never leaking so much in my life. Next time I definitely have to put a condom over the cage so I don't waste a drop of my juice.
Thank you Mistress!